
Sometimes life is crazy but it is balanced with some relaxation too.
Sometimes my boys cry and whine but they laugh and learn too.
Sometimes I feel like I am a one-person the circus but I also feel supported and helped.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary +One Day

Yesterday, my hubby and I celebrated our seven year wedding anniversary with swim lessons and a lunch at Wendy's with the romantic, right? Within the next few weeks we will be able to enjoy an evening out, so I am ok with it. Plus, we had a pretty low key day, which seems to be less and less with two busy little boys. So, it was just as well. Did I mention that my hubby spent the evening clearing out our office/playroom and filling in nail holes so that he can paint later this week? Seriously, a girl would not be in her right mind to complain about that! (Believe me, I would typically help with this kind of project, assuming that the boys would cooperate, but I donated blood in the afternoon and my arm was a bit sore...wink)

Anyway, happy anniversary! Thank you for all that you do for me and for our family! I am proud to call you my husband! I love you!

Below, you will see a few of my favorite moments that were captured by our camera over the past year. Unfortunately, we did not have digital cameras at the time of our wedding. In the summer of 2003, this idea was still a little new. Our photographer (who was amazing by the way!) did not have a digital option at the time (or was too expensive due to the new technology) and we opted for the traditional, but now old fashioned film. :) So, in light of that, I have decided to include what our lives together were like over the past year!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Have you heard of holy cow?

This week, we started swimming lessons for our oldest son. While it is his nature to observe and contemplate what is going on, it is also his nature to do what he is suppose to do for other adults. This has translated to a shy and apprehensive 4yr-old who will try anything the instructor asks him to, but he is never the first one to volunteer, and is often one of the last. As his mom, I am ok with that, even though it is my nature to want him to be less shy (since that is how I am) I take pleasure in the fact that he is not 'that boy' in class who does not listen and wanders away towards the deeper water a half a dozen times during class. I take pleasure in the fact that he is not splashing all the other children on purpose like the girl in the purple bathing suit was today. But most of all, I am proud that he is trying and he is listening to the instructors.

While I was tucking Simon in his bed the other night he told me that there was a boy with red swimming trunks on and he was in his class. And every time that boy got out of the water, everyone could he is crack...and it was a big one. HA!

When my younger boy was watching his brother during lessons, several planes flew overhead and one was really low. My 2yr-old said (and I quote), "Mommy! That was a holy cow!" So, props to my little guy for attempting to use this phrase appropriately. Usually I take a time like that as a teachable moment, but he was so cute and so proud of himself I did not. This was also in part because his words sounded adorable and I hope that I get to hear him say this again in the near future. Maybe then I will tell him about the correct way to use "holy cow."

Sunday, July 11, 2010

writer's block

Well folks, what started as a blog to record/remember those supposedly unforgettable moments, has turned into dead-air in the blogging world. With a two and a four year-old, every day is an adventure and inevitably someone says or does something a little out of the norm. These moments do not always end up in laughter, but screaming, pushing, running into things, and of course, whining to Mommy. I just have not been able to wrap words around these incidents!

I promise, my family and I are not just being lazy bums here. We have been home from vacation for a week and I need a vacation again just from trying to catch up! My little guys have enjoyed a low-key week after Myrtle Beach, the Fourth of July with my parents, sisters, brothers-in-law, and nephews. My oldest loves the water, (and we start swimming lessons tomorrow) so I tried to get him and his brother outside in our blow-up pool as much as possible. I survived two more classes of school finance, and just when I thought I had a handle on things I hit a wall.

I FINALLY got to see Eclipse on Friday night while Daddy took the boys to his friend's mom's surprise 60th birthday party. While I wish I could have gone with them, I must admit that a few hours away from my guys (big and little included) was nice and refreshing. (Plus, I had popcorn all to myself. My neighbor, who accompanied me, also had her own popcorn!)

Until later...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Remember Me?

Hey folks! I am still here. My fam and I took a little vacation to Myrtle Beach last week, and to protect the integrity of our lives, I did not announce that via this blog until AFTER we have returned. (Of course, to those that read this and know me, I was not at all worried. I just like to be careful on here. You know, practice Internet safety.)

We had a great time: our oldest, the neat-freak who does not like to be messy, wanted to go to the pool every day, but since we can do that in Ohio, his little brother won that battle. I will share more later.

When we returned, we visited family for the fourth, which is ALWAYS a blast. And friends came to visit us, which was also great fun!

For now, I am off to study fiscal neutrality. Please, no one jump out of your seat. I know that sounds just splendid, and it is...not. I will be glad to fill you in. You know, once I understand it, which will be never.